The Amala Children's Home

The Amala Trust is the charity set up to support the work of the Children's Home.  The Children's Home takes in orphans and severlly disadvantages children from the local area, gives them a secure home, food, clothing and above all an education.  Without this, these children would be working from an early age, begging, living in the streets or being abused.  Whilst India is fast becoming a rich nation, the poor and needy are not looked after at all.

Students on the trip learn about India, about themselves and what they can achieve.  It is a challenge to raise the money and a life changing experience in visiting another culture that is so different to our own.  It is not a holiday, it is an experience that students never forget and will use in later life whether at work, at home or just helping others.

Details of how to support the work of the trust and get more involved can be found on the trust website at

Maps of Locations